Guide to Podcast Advertising

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Podcast Advertising: Tips for Start Ups

People listen to podcasts all the time—on their drives to and from work, during their workouts, and while mowing their lawns or doing the dishes. Considering the sheer volume of listeners and how many hours Americans log with podcasts every month, it’s no wonder there is terrific demand for podcast advertising. 

How to Choose the Best Podcast Network

Done right, podcast ads can simultaneously broaden and focus marketing efforts and provide businesses with positive ROI. Here at TheAdSide, our job is to help ensure clients find exactly the podcast advertising they need from the content creators on the GaS Digital Network.

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Types of Podcasts Ads

As with all types of marketing, advertising on podcasts can fall into a few different classifications:

1. Production Style:

  • Advertisers can either provide or generate pre-produced commercial spots, like customers have heard on the radio for decades, or they can have the podcast host read the advertisement themselves.

2. Insertion Type:

  • Ads can be inserted dynamically into a podcast based on demographics and/or advertising targets, or they can be baked-in, where the podcast host makes them a permanent part of the show’s recording.

3. Sponsorship Options:

  • Whether opting for a native ad or a larger, broader sponsorship opportunity, businesses with varying budgets have plenty of options available to them.

How To Choose Which Type of Podcast Ad Will Work For You?

While there are many ways to advertise on podcasts, TheAdSide can be especially helpful in arranging ad campaigns for businesses.

Engaged Audiences:

  • No medium engages a customer base like podcasts. More people remember hearing ads on podcasts than any other format, including social media and websites, and over half of listeners say they would recommend a product or service they heard about on a podcast they listen to regularly. 

Step-by-Step Assistance:

  • We will walk you through the entire process, from start to finish. This means businesses can trust TheAdSide to take care of all the heavy lifting so they can sit back and reap the rewards.

Custom Reporting & Analytics:

  • We provide valuable insights into your ad campaign by providing all the numbers and data necessary to make the most of your advertising efforts on all types of podcasts. We can track downloads, promo codes, vanity URLs, surveys, and more to help you get all the analytics you need to track your marketing investment.

What Are The Benefits of Podcast Ads

There are many benefits to advertising on podcasts, including:

  • Reaching new customer bases
  • Engaged audiences
  • Building brand awareness
  • Increasing sales
  • Boosting web traffic
  • Getting feedback from customers
  • Connecting with other businesses
  • Saving money with budget-friendly advertising

How to Find a Podcast to Sponsor

There are dozens of podcasts on the GaS Digital Network that could be a fit for you and your brand, and finding the right fit is as simple as speaking to a campaign expert at TheAdSide. Your first consultation is free and can help you get a better sense of what advertising with the GaS Digital Network can provide your business.

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